Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an IRRESISTIBLE Brand, and be Generally Amazing on Facebook
By Dave Kerpen
I read Likeable Social Media a little while ago and I was rather impressed. I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but I feel for any beginners to marketing their business on Facebook this book forms the perfect introduction. Dave has an extremely readable style that makes this book quite hard to put down. I think Likeable stands out as there a lot of very average books written on the topic of social media marketing on Facebook. However this book is extremely informative from start to finish.
I think it is fair to say that a lot of the advice in here seems slightly obvious – but to many it won’t. I also think that sometimes it is the illusive obvious that stands between us and success. Sometimes it is the obvious things that we just don’t consider or act upon.
The other great thing that Dave does is use clear examples of how his advice works. I find that tips and advice always seems clearer once it has been demonstrated within the context of an actual situation. For any beginners and some intermediates this book is a great kick off point for your marketing efforts on Facebook. He does touch upon other social networks briefly, but it is clear that they are not his strong point. So buy this book for the Facebook tips, and improve your social media attempts now!