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OMG! Who’s going to see that on their Facebook news feed?


There are approximately 293,000 status updates on Facebook every 60 seconds, so it is important that we understand how Facebook filters information to send updates to the most relevant News Feeds. Let’s take a look.

Facebook developed an algorithm formaly known as EdgeRank (click here to read a blog post about it) which is designed to filter wanted content onto your News Feed.

There are 3 key variables that it uses:


Facebook takes into account, previous interactions with the author of the post. So the more you share, like and comment the more likely you are to receive updates. Post types are also taken into account, for example if you interact with pictures you are more likely to receive updates of that type.


Network interaction is also a key variable. Facebook recognises previous user interaction so a video link with lots of likes and comments will be more likely to appear on your News Feed than one that has none.

Time Decay

Over time status updates decay and effectively drop off the bottom of the News Feed.  However, Facebook has introduced ‘story bumping’ to the algorithm to ensure that popular posts are bumped to the top of the News Feed if you are not logged in when the status is published.

Along with story bumping, Facebook has started to develop new ways to publish relevant stories to the News Feed. Updates will now be given scores based on popularity and relevance, which are continually being developed by Lars Backstrom and his News Feed Ranking team in order to improve online experience.

What do you think Lars Backstrom should introduce to enhance your Facebook experience and stop unwanted updates creeping onto your News Feed?

Tweet: @GiraffeSM or me: @BenHunt92 and let us know!

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