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Author: Admin

4 Big Changes Lurking Behind Instagram’s Code

A look behind Instagram’s code has revealed some game­changing unpublished features. The image­sharing social network will soon be bringing analytics to businesses profiles ­- but it turns out that may not be the only feature social media marketers can look forward to… The potential changes

Facebook Tweaks Trending Topics in Reponse to Bias Claims

Facebook have denied claims of a left wing political bias in their trending topics section, but have pledged to improve the feature regardless. On Monday, in both a press release and a direct letter to the chairman of the US senate commerce committee, the social

Mountain Climbers Document their Everest Ascent on Snapchat

If you thought the influence of finite content sharing network Snapchat stopped at college, you’ve obviously never climbed a mountain. Two mountain climbers have been documenting their ascent up Mount Everest on Snapchat ­ and the results have been nothing short of tremendous. The professional

Hashtags Say The Funniest Things – 2016 Edition

Since their inception back in 2007, hashtags have become a staple of our social media existence. They allow users to discover and contribute to a rapidly emerging global dialogue simply and instantaneously. And guess what – they can also help make life darn hilarious… While

Google Tests Black Links in SERPs

A controversial decision by the search giant to A/B test the effectiveness of plain black link addresses among black body text has left a sub-section of web users confused and agitated. Google regularly analyses the effect that small alterations to SERPs have on Internet users