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Author: Admin

Five Examples of Great PR on Social Media

The digital age we recognise today has considerably changed the way news and information is published, and it is evident that the way PR professionals are seeking attention nowadays is online. In particular, social media has seen an increased number of available communication channels, helping to

The Importance of App Development for Smartphones

The world of technology can change very quickly, sometimes so fast that it’s not just individuals that can’t keep up, but companies too. Take BlackBerry for example. Four years ago, they and their parent company Research in Motion sold the most smartphones in the UK

Why You Need a Company Blog

Having a company blog can be one of the most valuable tools for helping your company succeed on many different levels. It allows you to easily to update and share new information about your company on a monthly, weekly or even hourly basis, which makes

Happy 2nd Birthday Giraffe!

  A year ago yesterday, Kane and I sat in our home office with a cake, some party poppers and balloons. Although we were ecstatic to have finished our first year in business, there was a sense of anticlimax as we finished our slice of

Can we beat Facebook’s EdgeRank Algorithm?

  Editors note: Since this article was published, EdgeRank has developed and is now virtually impossible to measure as no score actually exists. As a result, caution should be taken when talking to companies or individuals who claim to be able to measure your EdgeRank.