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Author: Samuel Stroud

The five best autumn social media campaigns ever

The 5 Best Autumn Social Media Campaigns Ever

A comprehensive social media strategy typically includes seasonal content depending on the time of year, recurring events, national days, and more. However, seasonal social media campaigns can be difficult to get right. Brands need to stay recognisable with their followers yet stand out from the
ten ways to refresh your instagram marketing strategy

10 Ways to Refresh Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Is your Instagram looking repetitive and tired? Are you struggling to come up with new ideas for your Instagram marketing strategy? Instagram marketing is fast-paced, especially as more new features are released, and changing your strategy is essential to stay relevant on the platform. But
Social media guides: How to do social media for estate agents

How To Do Social Media For Estate Agents

In this month’s social media guide, ‘How To Do Social Media For Estate Agents,’ we’ll be giving you tips on how to take your estate agent business to the next level on social media. If you struggle with social media marketing for your estate agent
does influencer marketing work for b2b companies?

Does Influencer Marketing Work for B2B Companies?

Modern social media marketing is rife with influencer marketing campaigns. The authentic persona of influencers paired with genuine partnerships with brands is a recipe for success on social media. According to the Rakuten Marketing 2019 Influencer Marketing Report, “88% of consumers surveyed have been inspired