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Author: Samuel Stroud

Viral Video Marketing Using Social Media

Viral Video Marketing Using Social Media

Social media platforms have evolved rapidly since their inception. Beginning with a focus on text-based formats, social media has branched into the highly visual platforms we see today. YouTube revolves around video content, Instagram relies on images and video, and TikTok is all about short-form
Summer Social Media Campaign Ideas

Summer Social Media Campaign Ideas

Are you stuck for social media campaign ideas this summer season? Do you find it hard to come up with creative seasonal campaigns for your social media marketing plan? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through some social media campaign ideas
Video Editing Apps for Better Social Media Content

Video Editing Apps for Better Social Media Content

Getting more video content on your social media pages is a sure-fire way to increase engagement with your brand’s posts. Now social media marketers have access to a great selection of video editing apps and content creation tools that are making the process of creating

Our Top Tips for Repurposing Old Content [Infographic]

When it comes to posting content on social media, you don’t always need to make everything from scratch. There’s nothing wrong with repackaging your old content; making it relevant to today’s social landscape. In our infographic below, we outline some simple ways you can repurpose