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Tips for Social Media

5 Periscope Users To Avoid Unless You Want Serious Wanderlust

If you’re the sort of rugged gadabout who would much rather be exploring distant lands than working in an office, you should avoid this article like the plague. Similarly, if your mouth waters at the thought of unfamiliar spices and exotic ingredients rather than the

Shut Up and Listen; this is Social Media

On social media you’re never really more than two steps away from controversy. The reason for this is simple; it’s run by humans. It’s a community populated by people who say, do, and yes, laugh at, silly things. In order to get anything from it,

Periscope Editors’ Picks Curated Streams at a Glance

Last week Periscope introduced a new human-curated channel named ‘Editors’ Picks’. The stream, which suggests popular past broadcasts, could prove useful for new and casual users who are still finding their feet on the network. ‘Editors’ Picks’ are available to all users under the ‘Broadcasts’

Snapchat Usage Among Adult Users Increases

Snapchat is increasing in popularity among adults over the age of 35. Traditionally a network for teens and younger adults, surprisingly the trend hasn’t had a major effect on it’s “cool” factor, and popularity remains high a this level. According to information made available by

Social Media Day 2016: 4 Ways to Celebrate, Social Media Style

  Since its initial launch in 2010, Mashable’s Social Media Day has grown with each passing year. It is fast becoming an internationally-recognised day wherein people from all around the globe join to celebrate the impact that social media has had on our lives and

Negative Social Media Comments and How To Deal With Them

As a business on social media at one point or another you will have to deal with negative feedback; and if there’s one sure-­fire way to damage your brand on social media it’s by ignoring negative comments by users. As a digital marketing platform, social

Powerful social media management tools for small businesses

By now we are all well aware of the importance of social media for small businesses. As a community building tool at heart, it can be a crucial tool for building an engaged, quality audience. But while small businesses are certainly the ones who stand

Mountain Climbers Document their Everest Ascent on Snapchat

If you thought the influence of finite content sharing network Snapchat stopped at college, you’ve obviously never climbed a mountain. Two mountain climbers have been documenting their ascent up Mount Everest on Snapchat ­ and the results have been nothing short of tremendous. The professional

Hashtags Say The Funniest Things – 2016 Edition

Since their inception back in 2007, hashtags have become a staple of our social media existence. They allow users to discover and contribute to a rapidly emerging global dialogue simply and instantaneously. And guess what – they can also help make life darn hilarious… While

Students Favour Snapchat over Twitter

  Students across the UK are turning towards Snapchat over other social networks to communicate with their peers. In the past Facebook and Twitter have proven essential platforms for marketing to Students and now, as a majority of users begin to access from mobile devices,