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Tips for Social Media

Are Your Facebook Photos Really Hidden?

  We’ve all been there. You attended a party at the weekend and let’s just say you were looking a little bit worse for wear towards the end of the night. During this point in the evening – when you’re really only looking forward to

Social Media Debate: Russell Brand Vs The Sun

Social media has born witness to a more than it’s fair share of feuds, many of them on Twitter. To use a cowboy analogy, the social network can sometimes be the internet equivalent of a saloon duelling ground. One particular example that springs to mind is the war of words between

8 Social Media Books To Add To Your Winter Reading List

  It’s that time of year again, isn’t it? Christmas songs are beginning to emanate from the car radio on the drive in to work and we’re already knee deep in the annual avalanche of seasonal advertising… Instead of identifying those all-important ingredients of what

3 Cringeworthy Social Media Fails

  Not all social media campaigns are a success. On the contrary, you don’t have to look far before you see examples of businesses that have managed to fail astronomically. The old adage may be that all PR is good PR – but we can’t

10 Notable Social Media Developments

Social media is now such an intrinsic part of our daily lives, it’s sometimes hard to imagine a time before its existence. So for all of our younger followers out there, as well as those who are a little long in the tooth, here’s 10

What’s The Deal With Google Plus?

  Okay, so we’re going to lay our cards on the table for a second and declare our love for Google Plus here at Giraffe Social Media. At every opportunity we encourage businesses and existing clients to build a presence on the platform despite it

Are Tesco Damaging Their Reputation with Social Media Sarcasm?

  wTesco have their fair share of followers online, particularly on Twitter – their ‘Tesco Mobile’ account currently has over 73 thousand followers alone. The supermarket giant have a great deal of customers tweeting to them with queries, ranging from requests for assistance with certain

5 Innovative Twitter Campaigns

Businesses and organisations who succeed on Twitter are always the ones who are innovative with their campaigns. Here are some of the top Twitter campaigns that have caught our eyes over the past few years… 1. #40Dollars December 2011, and February 2012, were months when

How Does Social Media Exploit Celebrities?

Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, are just some of the most popular social networking sites – and also some of those preferred platforms for voicing your opinions on celebrities… The King and legend of using YouTube to voice his opinions is Michael Buckley, host and creator of

Is Social Media Here To Stay: A Mozzarella Memoir

Giraffe Social Media managing director Phil Treagus lends us his expert thoughts on why social media is here to stay – and why businesses need to get on board or risk damaging their reputation… A real pet-hate of mine is restaurants whose chosen table layout