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Tips for Social Media

How U ‘n’ I connect – How Universities are using Social Media.

For the hundreds and thousands of students out there, they will already know how social media is being used, maybe not by the Universities themselves, but by the people at them. Facebook pages are swamping cyberspace with many of the “Tell him/Tell her” University pages,

Did you know, 59% of brands’ Wikipedia pages have inaccuracies?

  On January 15th 2001, the way you and I found information about brands, their history, products and services, plus cities, celebrities, historical titans and many other subjects changed forever with the founding of Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia and brainchild of Jimmy Wales has been

15 Amazing 2013 Social Media Statistics

  There are over 1.19 billion active Facebook users worldwide, which is an 18 per cent increase year over year. I think it is fair to say that Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites across the globe. Every second 8,000 users will

Battle of the filters: Instagram V Hipstamatic

  So imagine this. You’ve just made the most incredible sandwich. You want everyone to know about it. Do you call your friends? Do you text them a description, do you parade your lunch down your local high street shouting out adjectives that attempt to

New Year’s resolutions for your social media habits

When the clock strikes midnight, we all hope and wish that the New Year will bring us another chance to start fresh, but how many of us cave on our crash diet by the end of the first week? Or cut-out the cardio workouts by

Understanding Social Media in CHINA.

Facebook? Twitter? YouTube? Censorship in China has led to a near complete block on Western social media sites to limit access to undesirable content on Facebook, Twitter and Google. However, the Chinese have developed their own sites, which are just as effective at providing nationals

How has Facebook changed over the past 5 years?

  Back in 2008, Facebook had 100 million active users. Just 5 years later and over a billion people have become regular users. On average they’re a little older than the before and there’s a few more males amongst them, so what else has changed

How Video Could Help Your Business Explode Online

Multi media platforms have come on leaps and bounds in the past decade. With YouTube taking off in 2005 and visual social media adopting many different forms, it is clear that companies need to search for ways to take advantage of these opportunities being presented

OMG! Who’s going to see that on their Facebook news feed?

  There are approximately 293,000 status updates on Facebook every 60 seconds, so it is important that we understand how Facebook filters information to send updates to the most relevant News Feeds. Let’s take a look. Facebook developed an algorithm formaly known as EdgeRank (click

Did you know about Foursquares new search filters?

  Eating out should be a comforting experience – a time to relax and make the most of an evening out of the kitchen, but sometimes deciding what restaurant takes your fancy can be a real struggle. Foursquare, the location based social network, has recently