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Tips for Social Media

The Relationship Stages of Social Media.

Now, a handful of us out there have got the badge for being in a romantic relationship once (or twice, three times maybe…), the love-at-first-sight, butterflies, the ‘firsts’ with your special one. But along with all of that, comes heartbreak (oh, aren’t we all accustomed

How can Comedians use Vine for Self Promotion?

Editor’s Note: Vine has sadly closed down but we have left this article up for nostalgia’s sake! May it help your reminisce about the good ole days when joy came in 6 second segments. What is Vine, you may be asking? Well, Vine is one

You Have to See these Social Media Fails to Believe them!

With social media being so easily accessible it also becomes very easy to mess something up or post something by mistake. No matter how quickly this mistake gets deleted it can almost be guaranteed that at least one person saw it and saved it. #Susanalbumparty

How To: Integrate Your Social Media Marketing With Your Offline Marketing

We’ve reached an age where companies are more focused on seeking to increase their online presence through SEO marketing and pure interaction, but many are forgetting to realise that online and offline go hand-in-hand. Online Marketing: Real time metrics Wide reach to audiences Personalised consumer
Social media marketing or SEO?

SEO or social media marketing?

Social media is used more widely now than ever before, and is growing in popularity. While social media has become a platform for both individuals and companies, it may never outshine SEO. When looking at these two things it is important to remember that they
How to run competitions on social media

How To Run Competitions On Social Media

Remember the times when the only way of entering competitions was to call a telephone number, or collect numerous bottle caps? In some cases this is still a prominent way for companies to run competitions, but they currently face an ever-increasing obligation to reach out to consumers
The best business social media management tools

The Best Business Social Media Management Tools

Social media is constantly evolving; we are accessing social media through new technology and for many different reasons. Tablet and mobile technology has provided a stage for new forms of social media platforms, apps and plug-ins. Consequently it has become harder to keep up with

Social Media Day Set to Return on June 30th!

Yeah, that’s right – a day dedicated to social media!  Amazing. It was set up by the amazing Mashable in 2010, as a way of recognising how social media is changing our world for the better.  Acknowledgment of how omnipresent social media is becoming is definitely

Is the Postcard Dead?

Just read an interesting article on the Telegraph website (here), and it made me realise that yeah… who on earth is still sending postcards?! With technology where it is now, people are using Skype, Facebook and email to keep in touch with their loved ones

Are you Ready for Facebook Home?

Facebook Home was unveiled to users outside of the US this week, so we’d thought we’d run an article on what the hell it is and what the reaction has been like. So here it goes… What is Facebook Home? Facebook home is a new