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Tips for Social Media

What does 'trending' mean and what is a hashtag?

What does ‘Trending’ mean and what is a ‘Hashtag’?

If you’re familiar with social media at all, you’ll almost certainly have stumbled across the terms ‘trending’ and ‘hashtag’ by now. But what do they mean, and why would you use them? We’re here to give you the lowdown. What is ‘Trending’? Before the development

Is Foursquare a Fad?

From time to time, I don’t mind informing others where I am in the world, especially if it’s on the other side of the planet, or somewhere which some of my friends would be envious of, such as a theme park… In comparison, some of
How can you make money from your blog?

How Can You Make Money from Your Blog?

Blogging is increasingly becoming more popular. With more and more people blogging it makes you wonder what they are all getting out of it. As well as the pleasure blogging can bring it can also create a few extra pennies for those rainy days. How?

If Social Networks were Celebrities who would they be?

Now for a bit of fun…who would each social network be if they were celebrities? Facebook – The Queen Who’s ruling us? The Queen or Facebook? These days I think both have as much power as each other. The queen of social networking sites, Facebook
Social media or SEO?

SEO or Social Media Marketing?

From our experience of working with a wide spectrum of businesses, helping them with their digital marketing, it seems that people usually feel like they need either SEO or Social Media.  You have some people who swear by SEO and they put all their money

What is the New Facebook Newsfeed Design?

March has been a month of Facebook design changes! On the 7th they made an announcement that they will be changing the news feed and then shortly after it was the profile timeline that would be getting a makeover also. We’re going to just run

Book Review: Twitter Power 2.0

I read this book a fair while ago now, but it stays with me as one of the more extensive books written about Twitter. Authored by Joel Comm, the book seeks to explain why Twitter has so many real business possibilities that you could actually

Can Vine be Used for Business?

What?! I’ve only just started using Facebook for business! What is Vine?! I’m assuming that’s probably what you’re thinking after reading that title. Well, I know in among you lot there are those who are eager to use every free tool they can to promote

The Giraffe Method: The Complete Digital Media Puzzle

Could digital marketing be any more confusing to the average SMB (small/medium sized business) owner?  There is social media, SEO, PPC, web design, email marketing, content marketing and more.  What do they need?  How do they work together?  Do they need all of it?  Where

What is Flickr?

Flickr is a photo management based social network that allows users to share their photos with their friends or with the whole world if they wish!  It was created in 2004 and bought by Yahoo in 2005.  In 2011, a report said that the site