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Tips for Social Media

Spotify or Grooveshark?

For this blog post, I’m going to be honest from the beginning – I have been a Spotify user since 2009 and an unlimited subscriber for the past year. As a result, I believe no other music streaming service comes close; but I’m open to

Can Tumblr be Used Effectively for Business?

Can Tumblr be used effectively for your business? The secret is well and truly out…the key to successful social media and SEO is content. Create a great blog with amazing, original content and the internet Gods will reward you with lots of attention! Happy days.

Should I Buy Followers/Likes?

No. You knew I was going to say that didn’t you? It seems obvious, yet so many people still do it. We as humans always aspire for the quickfix, that one magic thing that takes two seconds and increases your success by a billion percent.

5 Amazing Social Media Infographics

INFORMATION + GRAPHICS = INFOGRAPHICS. Genius, I know. This is the newest trend (along side the Harlem Shake viral video – link!) in sending out valuable information, but in an attractive way. It hit’s the idea into one’s cerebral cortex (the place where things are

How to Avoid Controversy on Social Media

  There is no doubt that social media is a great tool that allows a freedom of speech – in what is such a loud world it allows you to put a megaphone to your own voice! It’s one of the main aspects that helped

Exactly How Dead is MySpace?

  *** Update, January 2016: This article is now more than a little outdated, but still worth the read for the pure nostalgia factor alone. If you’re wondering what happened to Myspace, our more recent article “Anybody Seen Tom…” might be more use to you… ***

The Most Important Social Media Lesson: Content Is King

  Since Bill Gates wowed the world with ‘content is king’ in 1996, it’s only recently with the #digitalboom that businesses are noticing the importance of strong content as a winning social media strategy. Good content evolves your target audience. They want significant information, continuing

What is Soundcloud?

  Soundcloud is pretty widely known these days and has become a bit of a household name. It is a website that allows unsigned artists to distribute their music online, on a platform where people are looking for new music. It’s a website that was

Book Review: Outsmarting Social Media

  Outsmarting Social Media: Profiting in the Age of Friendship Marketing By Evan Bailyn We are big fans of Evan Bailyn’s work ever since we read his first book; Outsmarting Google – a book that will turn you from an SEO novice to SEO wizard. His

Book Review: Likeable Social Media

  Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an IRRESISTIBLE Brand, and be Generally Amazing on Facebook By Dave Kerpen I read Likeable Social Media a little while ago and I was rather impressed. I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but I feel