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Giraffe Social Launches Spill: A Comprehensive Mental Health Support Platform for Employees

At Giraffe Social, we recognise that mental well-being is essential for a productive and fulfilling work environment. In today’s fast-paced world, the mental health of employees often takes a backseat, but we believe it’s crucial to prioritise it. That’s why we are excited to announce the rollout of Spill, a state-of-the-art mental health support platform, now available to all our employees. 

This initiative underscores our commitment to providing accessible, high-quality mental health support and fostering a compassionate workplace culture. By integrating Spill into our employee wellness program, we aim to create an environment where our team feels valued, supported, and empowered to take control of their mental health.

What Is Spill?

Spill is an innovative mental health support platform offering a variety of resources designed to meet the diverse needs of our team. After a year of extensive research and evaluation, we selected Spill as the top choice for our mental health support strategy. Here’s an overview of the key features Spill provides:

  1. Therapy Sessions

Therapy Sessions on Spill offer confidential, one-on-one sessions with qualified counsellors. Employees can discuss a wide range of issues, including burnout, anxiety, grief, relationship problems, trauma, and stress. Booking a session is simple and user-friendly, with over 100 counsellors who have passed a rigorous 5-step hiring process. Each session lasts 50 minutes and is completely confidential, ensuring privacy and trust. Employees can book sessions through Spill’s web platform or the Teams app, with same-day availability for immediate support. 

  1. Ask A Therapist

This feature allows employees to communicate directly with qualified therapists by sending messages about personal issues, such as relationship problems, sleep difficulties, or career uncertainties. Employees receive thoughtful, professional replies within 1-2 working days, providing timely and personalised support. The service is accessible via Spill’s web platform or the Teams app, offering a discreet way to seek help. 

  1. Advice Library

The Advice Library is a curated collection of articles, guides, and tips on various mental health topics, serving as a valuable resource for quick advice and information. Employees can browse or search for topics of interest, with content created by mental health professionals to ensure accuracy and practical insights. Available 24/7 via Spill’s web platform or the Teams app, it provides convenient access to reliable mental health information.

Why Giraffe Social Chose Spill

After thorough discussions, research, and evaluations of multiple platforms, we found Spill to be the most comprehensive and effective solution for our employees’ mental health needs. The platform’s versatility and depth make it an excellent fit for our commitment to fostering a supportive and healthy work environment.

Commitment to Employee Well-Being

The launch of Spill marks a significant milestone in Giraffe Social’s ongoing commitment to employee well-being. We believe that by providing accessible mental health resources, we can create a more supportive and productive work environment. We are proud to offer Spill to our team and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on their lives.

Kane Lodge, our CFO, shares his thoughts:

“We are incredibly proud to roll out Spill to the entire team. What I particularly like about it is how it directly integrates into MS Teams. With just one click of a button within Teams, our employees have instant access to quality mental health support.”

Kane Lodge, CFO, Giraffe Social

Thank you for supporting Giraffe Social in our mission to prioritise mental health and well-being in the workplace.