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A human-first approach to social media marketing offers a genuine opportunity to surpass your competitors.

social media
for executives

Embracing a human-first approach requires the leaders of a brand to step forward and be active on social media. For example, 80% of employees prefer working for a CEO who uses social media.

employee advocacy

Developing an advocacy program that encourages and rewards your team for becoming brand advocates on social media is a superpower that many companies have yet to utilise.

social media
for events

Live coverage of your team attending or running an industry event showcases your market awareness to customers and highlights exciting opportunities to potential employees.

want to an employee advocacy program?document your event attendance?celebrate your team and culture?create authentic connections?develop executive personal brands?

what is human-first social?

human first social - Phil

The future of marketing will belong to brands that adopt a human-first approach. This means understanding your audience as real people, not just data points, and celebrating your team at the heart of your marketing. 

Philip Treagus-Evans, CEO & Co-Founder

human first social - Phil

what are the benefits of human-first social?


Deeply understanding who your customer is and creating content tailored specifically to their interests, needs and pain points.

Authentic Engagement

Ditching the overly polished and impersonal for a real style of content that screams authenticity and feels genuine.

Deep Connections

Using social media for real conversations, deepening the connection and turning customers into brand advocates.

In a world of automation and algorithms, you have a chance to stand-out by putting the human experience at the heart of your marketing.

human first
giraffe's human-first approach really sets them apart

The Giraffe team are a pleasure to work with! They’re not only super-efficient and knowledgeable but bring a warm, friendly demeanour to every interaction. They go the extra mile to enhance our socials and they’re flexible and accommodating when it comes to tweaks. Giraffe’s human first approach really sets them apart from the rest. We are thrilled so far with the results they’ve helped us achieve.

Holly-Marie Jones, Marketing Manager

human-first social testimonial from intensify demand

want to an employee advocacy program?document your event attendance?celebrate your team and culture?create authentic connections?develop executive personal brands?

human-first social insights

Explore a selection of our articles and research on human-social to better understand this new era of marketing.