Just read an interesting article on the Telegraph website (here), and it made me realise that yeah… who on earth is still sending postcards?!
With technology where it is now, people are using Skype, Facebook and email to keep in touch with their loved ones when they’re travelling. Sure it doesn’t have the novelty of posting something while you’re away – but, really?! I honestly, can’t remember the last time I sent a postcard, I must have been about 9 years old in Italy.
According to research compiled by a flight comparison website, only 1 in 20 people now send post cards. You can’t help but feel that most of those people are probably in an older demographic who don’t use social networking as much as a younger demographic. But what is really awesome is that this is becoming less and less the case.
The world is becoming a smaller place and as a consequence the postcard is dying. Do you still send postcards?