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Tag: Social Media

Social Media News Roundup: February ‘17 Week 2

Hardly a day goes by without something happening in the world of social media. Every week we take a look back at some of the biggest social media news stories of the past seven days. Facebook introduces new weather forecast feature Facebook hab announced the roll-out of a new feature

Simple Instagram Tricks Beyond Better Content That Actually Work

Instagram is about way more than sharing photos. Start using these Instagram tricks and soon you will see more users engaging with your brand. Social media marketers are insight-obesessive. For this reason, nothing delights me more than when a friend of mine who isn’t a devoted full-time social media marketer

Social Media News Roundup: February ’17 Week 1

We’re only a few days into February and already it’s starting to look like a big month for social media news. Here are some of the biggest stories. Facebook celebrates Friends Day with a strange video on a day which isn’t Friends Day Facebook have released a feature where a

Maximise Your Valentines Day Social Media Message

Love it or loathe it, Valentines Day is another opportunity for you to maximise your social media marketing with a heartfelt promotional message. What does Valentines Day mean to you? It could just be another day of the year. Or maybe it’s an opportunity for you to secure yourself a

Social Media News Roundup: January ’17 Week 4

Seven days is a long time in the world of social media. Let’s take a look at a few of the biggest news stories over the past week. Study shows that middle-aged people spend more time on social media than Millennials Until now the word “Millennial” has for some unknown

Social Media News Roundup: January ’17 Week 3

A week is a long time in the digital age. Here’s our roundup of some of the biggest social media news stories of the past seven days Instagram live lands in the UK Instagram users in the UK, Germany, France, Brazil and Canada are now able to make use of

Why Popular Hashtags are Ruining Your Social Media Strategy

There are two different ways to use hashtags to drive your posts. Both will expand your reach – but only one will have a lasting positive effect. Early one morning last week I was asked by a close friend of mine whether hashtags still matter. My response was, justifiably, abrupt. Yes,

Beware These 9 Popular Social Media Myths

There is so much so-called “advice” on the Internet that it can be difficult to work out what is actually true and could make a difference to your digital marketing efforts – so let’s bust some social media myths. Social media allows businesses to market themselves in a place where

What Happens When You Ignore Social Media Marketing?

We’re at a point in time now where choosing to ignore social media is laughable. Without it things look very bleak indeed.. The reason is simple – it’s a marketing avenue where even the nichest of audiences can be found, one that facilitates brand awareness and advocacy on a herculean

Snapchat Introduces Enhanced Goal-based Bidding for Ads

Snapchat have begun giving advertisers a greater variety of options for how they bid on ads via its API. The new upgrade is called goal-based bidding and makes use of machine learning technology in order to allow users to make ads more relevant to their own goals. In a move