Okay, so we’ve actually been in the new office since early October, so this isn’t really news. However, we’ve only just finished adding all our Giraffey touches, so it’s time to blog about it!
As many of you will know, Giraffe is just over a year and a half old now. Doesn’t sound particularly old, but did you know Giraffe’s are able to walk literally minutes after being born? Never underestimate a Giraffe. During the start-up process of the company, Kane and I worked from our homes, slaving away building the foundations of the company. Early in the year, this progressed to creating an actual home office that we could work out of. This was essential so that we could conduct interviews and also so that Kane and I didn’t spend the days endlessly on the phone to each other!
Due to our rapid growth, we quickly outgrew this office and needed to relocate. Speaking to some of our friends who we have worked with before on other projects, they were running a creative studio space in the heart of Southsea. We didn’t need selling, the opportunity to be positioned in such a great location, surrounded by other creative digital companies was too good to refuse. The studio is called Port 57 and you can find out more about it here.
So, here is the long awaited photo of our new office. We currently operate on three desks, but will likely be expanding to four in the New Year.